Yesterday, my car started overheating on my way to work. Radiator coolant and fluids were compeltely gone, water boiled over and steamed away. I knew I had a leak or something so I made it to work (on lots of prayer) and kept the car there while I bought a 4-gallon jug of water to put into the radiator.
That evening I couldn't get the radiator cap off, couldn't fill up the overflow jug because all the water just poured right out. Things looked extremely bad. Not to mention that lovable [insert not-so-nice word] who sold me the car couldn't fix the car, of course.. so I called one of my goth friends who's handy at cars for help.
He had me drive over to Advanced Auto Parts not far from work, and I bought a radiator hose. Then something [or.. SOMEONE] told me to buy some duct tape, so I did. I looked down at the underside of my car and realized that the undercarriage of the overflow jug was practically gone (beyond cracked). I duct-taped it as best as I could, and miraculously (!!) was able to remove the radiator cap, so I did and put in water to the brim, and was able to fill up the overflow jug this time.
I drove home, a good 45 minute trip, and the engine was totally FINE the whole way home!
Duct tape, putting on the heat in the car, and a miraculous means of getting water into the radiator cap.
Oh, did I mention I'm grasping Swedish basic grammar now?!
BTW...I saw on "Mythbusters" that you can plug a leak in a radiator by cracking a RAW EGG into it. I think that they said that this is only a "temporary" solution to the problem, though.
The Big Man Upstairs is ALWAYS looking after His kids!