It was a beautiful and breezy Saturday morning when the March of Dimes of Danville began its annual 3-mile Walk-America-thon at Millenium Park. It started off with chilly temperatures, but slowly grew warmer as me and my family, better known as "Team Rebecca", socialized with other families whose babies were born prematurely. We made new friends and traded baby pictures of our little ones. There was lots of music and dancing!
But it all began with taking pictures of us and our little babies some, like my little niece Rebecca, still dealing with health issues that were caused by being born way too soon. We set our kids on the Danville Fire Department's fire engine, and took their pictures as they waved from the firehose on the top. Then we received t-shirts, pins and hankerchiefs all showing the March of Dimes, trying to teach others of the problem of more and more babies being born prematurely. I tied my hankerchief around my neck in a rather "queer" way, letting other closeted gay and lesbian people there that there was "one of them" in their midst. (and I thought that I was all done with using the "hanky code"! )
Then we all took our places at the starting line to begin walking around the park. It was great! Some of us quit early, like my mom and aunt Thelma, because of old age (don't tell them that I said that ). Some of us quit half-way into the walk (I am NOT what you would call a regular "Jesse Owens"). And some of us actually finished the whole 3 miles (someone call NASA...I believe that I've found some SPACE ALIENS in disguise!) After this was the food...
And MAN was it a SPREAD! There has hot dogs that was grilled upon a large charcoal grill...pepperoni pizza from Papa John's...little sub sandwiches from Subway...Lay's and Ruffles potato chips...salad fixings...and every kind of non-alcoholic beverage that was available...and also COOKIES!
And then we played in the nearby sandbox, trying to help our kids find little Sacajawean dollars donated by the local bank. These were called, of course, "sand dollars"! Then we danced to more music, both great rock classics as well as dance and rap hits from today. And then my niece and her daddy got into an air-filled bouncing cage and bounced together until both were dead tired and ready to come home.
It was a GREAT day!
I am your local TSA undercover news reporter, Jeffrey the TaterHead, signing off.
(pictures will be in as soon as they are developed and put upon this thread)
Hey Jeffrey, I wish we all could have joined you. That sounds like fun.
Many years ago, the bank I worked for participated in the big March of Dimes walk here in Houston. It used to be 20 miles long! Near the beginning of the walk, probably not more than a mile or two into it, Teddy & I were in the midst of my coworkers and others and we were all already complaining. All of a sudden, a man with no legs rolled by on a skate board type thing. As he passed by the people walking, silence followed him. We all stopped complaining. At least, for a while!
Good job, Jeffrey!
Grace is the acceptance of that which is rejected. ~Paul Tillich
If you are wondering why my little niece Rebecca is wearing an eyepatch, it's because she is losing the sight in her left eye, so one of her MANY doctors prescribed putting a patch over her right one to help bring back the sight in the other. Please, pray for her...and for the rest of our family. Thank you!
Great Pics Jeffery!!! Your niece is so cute. I'm glad ya'll had a successful March of Dimes fundraiser. I will continue to keep your niece in my prayers, my friend.
Be yourself!!! Don't try to fit into someone else's mold, you won't fit!!! And that just leads to utter misery!!! Live life to it's fullest in Christ's love every day!!!