So, I finally broke down and went to the doctor. He said I'm having beginning stages of carpal tunnel in my right hand/wrist/forearm. I'm working two jobs which require high dexterity/flexibility in my hands...and really don't know what I'm going to do once it becomes full fledged. I'm going to have the surgery in a matter of years...I'm hoping to hold out that long, anyway. However, it looks like it's a real possibility of having it this year...or even within one year. I'm scared, because I need the jobs, and I need the money. And, I need my hand to hold out a little bit longer. I just am in constant pain at work, and I'm in a wrist brace 24/7, now.
Can you send prayers my way? Thanks so much! I'm praying hard about this. God bless y'all. *big christian hugs*
That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved.
Hey man, I'm praying for you. I know how busy you are and how much you need to work. May the pain subside and not hinder your aility to perform your jobs. I hope for you that you can avoid surgery for a while.
Be yourself!!! Don't try to fit into someone else's mold, you won't fit!!! And that just leads to utter misery!!! Live life to it's fullest in Christ's love every day!!!
Please help Darrel, and heal him of his carpal tunnel. Let his pain be taken away. Help him with his work. We are trusting in you, Lord. No matter what happens, we know that you will give us the grace to get through it. Your love and mercy is requested the most in this hour of need. Bless Darrel with prosperity as he continues to grow in faith and do whatever work that you have assigned to him. You will never put upon him more than he can handle without your grace. For in Jesus' name, I pray. Amen.
I took ibuprofen for my shoulder pains whenever they hit me. I hope that that helps. Don't give up. Just keep hoping. The Lord will see you through!
I'll be praying for you! I have a friend who used to go get weekly manicures and they would do this hot wax treatment on her hands. Her doctor told her that helped keep the carpal tunnel at bay. Maybe soaking your hand in hot water would help. Or some kind of heat wrap.
But we'll just pray for complete healing!!
Grace is the acceptance of that which is rejected. ~Paul Tillich