Hey. As some of you know, I'm looking for a part-time job to fill in the rest of my week. I've been looking for a good few monts, with not any luck, yet. Can you please send your well wishes/thoughts/prayers my way? This week, I am venturing out into the city, and attempting to find one, again.
Thank you all! God bless you guys/girls. You all mean the world to me.
Love you! Darrel
That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved.
I will pray for your job search. May you find what you need.
Be yourself!!! Don't try to fit into someone else's mold, you won't fit!!! And that just leads to utter misery!!! Live life to it's fullest in Christ's love every day!!!
Help Darrel find a good part-time job. Bless him with one that will help him out the most with his finances, as well as helps him to grow spiritually and to become a witness to those around him that don't know you. Give him strength, courage and wisdom within this endeavor. For in Jesus' name, I pray. Amen.
May the Lord bless you and make you more like him every day.
Father God, I ask for your divine help and guidance in helping Darrel look for a part time job. Guide his footsteps along the right path, and to lead him to find the proper things to say and do in his quest. Grant him this favor that he seeks so that he may return to you with praise and thanksgiving for your gracious assistance. Amen
Lamentation 3:24 The Lord is all I have, and so in him I put my hope.