and so i just need to scrape together $270.00 to file my divorce papers at the courthouse. i am a smidge worried that i havent filled the papers out right. i couldnt afford a lawyer to look them over, i guess i will see when i get there. i really want this to go smoothly so i can get on with my life and hopefully he doesnt try and fight this. its pointless for him to do so, i just hope he sees it that way. anyway to those of you who supported me through this last little while you will never know how much i appreciate it. i could feel the love and support and i am greatful. i know i can count on you guys for anything, for which i am glad. anyhoo thats all i wanted to say.......for now. i can guarantee there is more to come. thanks again everyone.
I hope that all goes well for you. You are in my prayers. I hope for you that your ex doesn't give any trouble. Look forward to the future girl. There is so much ahead of you!!!
Be yourself!!! Don't try to fit into someone else's mold, you won't fit!!! And that just leads to utter misery!!! Live life to it's fullest in Christ's love every day!!!
Good luck with this divorce. I had one of those MANY years ago! They are no fun. But, God will bless you with a wonderful new love someday, just like He did me! You'll get through this, and we are all right there with you!!
Love ya!
Grace is the acceptance of that which is rejected. ~Paul Tillich
Be with Shelly and bless her as she restarts life with her old marriage now getting behind her. Build her and her family up spiritually, and let them see that You have perfect grace for times like these. Let your love come down upon her and her loved ones so that there will be no hard feelings and bitterness in their hearts, nor within their relationships. Your mercy and forgiveness are new every morning...let Shelly's life be the same way as she relearns how to live again as a single person. Give her whatever strength and wisdom that she needs to start over. Bless her with rich prosperity of both spirit and life. Give her your love. For in Jesus' name, I pray. Amen.
me and nikked homer are smiling with you (although I'm not sure if we're smiling about the same thing, that look on his face is a bit disarming)... ewwwww!
me and nikked homer are smiling with you (although I'm not sure if we're smiling about the same thing, that look on his face is a bit disarming)... ewwwww!
yeah right jensie, you like nikked homer, admit it.
little snag as to the filing process, 270 bucks worth actually, my boss was going to advance my cheque, but then i had a glitch at my bank. good grief, its ok though because it shall be done. then its a party here, on the site. unless you all want to come to alberta, i will even drag jens from his social worker job(not that it would take much dragging) first round of drinks is on my ex, its the least he can do, er wait he isnt invited, ok we can start a tab and then send the bill to him.
I'll designate myself as the designated driver. :) Congrats are in order. I pray it continues to go well for ya, bud. *hugs* Darrel
That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved.