The counselors at my school made all of us seniors take this thing that tells you what you would be good at in life (job wise that is). And I got my results and most of my things had to do with the medical field or with cooking/chef-ery (that a word?)
So me and this girl who are both moving to Austin in a few months were jokin and saying we were gonna start our own resturant and junk and the more i started thinking about it the more i think i want to do that. I really want to be a drug counselor but really, think about it.. theres about a 5% chance i will actually do that. Its a LOT of school and a lot of school equals a LOT of money.. which is something i dont really have. But owning a resturant would be probably my next dream. I know dad (papabear) has some good recipes and in austin? would probably get good id mak it super gay friendly.. I think i would do good in the buisness..
plus i can always volunteer at a rehab place or something right?
not sure why i brought this up..
but yea, if i open a resturant you all have to come down and eat there..
You have your whole life ahead of you, Amy. Why not just keep your options and ideas open? You might find a way to become a chef on Food Network! Or maybe even become the President of the United States!
If that happens, can you make me the head of the FBI? I would love to investigate how they get the creme filling into twinkies and ho-ho's!