I received this correspondance from a old friend (Catholic) who had simply forwarded it from someone else. I sure that he thinks this is the way things are, and that is his right to believe so. I just can't help but think that the gay community has such a long way to go. It is hard for me to believe that good, God fearing people can harbour such hate towards anyone simply because they don't have the same views about what is right and wrong. I believe that most people are simply placing themselves on the side with the most numbers and are to scared to say how they really feel. People, like the man who wrote this, are idiots who are not smart enough to look for the truth and are only showing how stupid they really are.
Sorry for this being long, but I wanted you to read the whole thing.
The Real Message of "Brokeback Mountain"
The real message of this movie was nothing more than Hollywood lifting its middle finger in the air to God and to anyone who chooses to love God and live in obedience to His Word. Sunday night, Hollywood spent the evening patting themselves on the back at their annual awards gala we know as the Oscars. The reality is, the Oscars are nothing more than Hollywood insiders recognizing each other in a highly political process that doesn't even consider the public who consumes what they create.
The reason I am dealing with this today is because we now live in a very secular society, no longer guided by God's Word but by our culture. The better percentage of 2 full generations have never even been to church, live their lives void of God and His Word, and the culture, things like the movies, actually guide their lives. This is exactly what I have talked to you about for nearly 7 years now, how damaging it has been for Christians to withdraw the salt and light from the culture we live in and hide behind the four walls of our churches and the Christian subculture we have created for ourselves.
Please don't think that "Brokeback Mountain" was an accident. One of the great symbols of our nation is the American cowboy. Portrayed for decades by men like John Wayne, the American cowboy has always stood for what it is to be a man. A movie about cowboys who choose to commit homosexual acts is a direct attack on that symbol and another attempt by the pro-homosexual community to brainwash people into believing that their sinful choice of deviant sex is normal, attractive, and mainstream. I tell you all the time how sad it is the people of God are so passive with the Truth, yet Satan is so bold with a lie!
Look at our media today. Logos, a 24/7 cable network that caters to the homosexual community with programming that glorifies and promotes their sinful choice of sex. How many prime-time TV programs on major network affiliates DON'T have a homosexual character? The Oscars Sunday was a showcase for people who choose to commit this sin. In addition to the Oscars won by "Brokeback Mountain," the Oscar for Best Actor went for the portrayal of Truman Capote who was a homosexual. Nominated for many awards was a movie about a transgendered person. All night, one winner after another weren't thanking Jesus, they were thanking their "life partner."
( Note: The Oscar for the best song went to, "It's Hard Out Here For A Pimp" by the group Three 6 Mafia. So in between glorifying the sin of homosexuality, Hollywood honored pimps!!! )
THE DRIVE TO MAKE THE SIN OF HOMOSEXUALITY MAINSTREAM IS WORKING! If you ask 100 kids between 12-18 about the sin of homosexuality, first, they don't think it is a sin, and second, they don't think there is anything wrong with two people of the same sex being together. This goes back to the better percentage of two full generations having never been to church and having their views of life influenced and shaped by our culture. Speaking out against the sin of homosexuality, even quoting the Bible, is now considered "hate speech" in many countries. As I have told you, don't be surprised when it becomes hate speech in the U.S. as well!
So what is the answer to the all-out assault by Hollywood and the rest of our culture that rejects God and Biblical Truth? It is a two-part answer that works together, evangelism and competition. The first part of the answer, evangelism, is something God has called ALL of His children to do. Seeing people come to faith in Christ means their hearts and lives are transformed by His power and they turn from the lies of this world and to the Truth of God's Word. It is time to be about the work of our Father as we share the Gospel with the lost in our family, our neighborhood, at school, at work, in addition to those people we encounter during our day.
The second part of the answer, competition, is actually a way to reach the lost and hurting masses. We need to step up and compete with the world on TV, in the movies, on the Internet, through music, in books and magazines, and all other forms of media. Liveprayer is a tiny internet ministry, started and still operated in back of a used-car lot in St. Petersburg, Florida. Yet "live" for an hour every Monday thru Friday we have the top-rated TV program in the overnights in Tampa, the #12 TV market in the nation, and are also on ABC in Miami, Jacksonville, West Palm Beach, the WB in Ft. Myers, and PAX in Orlando, competing each night with major network programs that have multi-million dollar budgets!
The point is, I am nobody. Just an average man simply trying to serve God. I have no money, we literally survive month to month and operate our current TV ministry for less the $2 million a year. Other programs we compete with spend that much in a month! There are people out there with tremendous talent, connections to tens, even hundreds of millions of dollars that could be competing with the world by making Christ-honoring movies, TV programs, music, books and magazines, and websites, geared to reach the masses who are lost and without the hope of Christ in their life.
Rather than compete with the world for the souls of men, too many of God's children have opted to do very little, or stay in their own "neighborhood" and minister to other Believers. Meanwhile, the culture feeds the masses "Brokeback Mountain," over 4,000 new porn movies each year, "Will and Grace," "Desperate Housewives," Snoop Dogg, Eminem, 50 Cent, and other rappers, endless websites of porn, Maxim and People, and everything you can imagine that mocks God and is in rebellion to the Truth!!!
I love you and care about you so much. "Brokeback Mountain" is nothing more than an example of a culture that no longer has any fear and is boldly and without a hint of conscience polluting the hearts and minds of the masses. A reoccurring theme I have shared with you for nearly 7 years now is that we are in an all-out war for the souls of men. Satan is NOT playing games, and he is serious about taking as many with him into the Lake of Fire while he still can.
Now is the time for the people of God to rise up and take a stand for righteousness. I could care less if the world gets upset with the Truth. I get upset, more importantly, God gets upset when they are out there telling lies that are destroying people's lives. "Brokeback Mountain" is not a touching love story. It is simply the story of two confused men who have succumbed to ungodly lusts and are in sin.
They need to both get saved, ask God to forgive them for their sins, and allow Him to deliver them from their bondage to the sin of homosexuality and be set free for the glory of God! It will no longer be "Brokeback Mountain," it will be "HEALED-BACK MOUNTAIN!!!!"
1. If somebody has such a high-morality code, and is a God-fearing Christian, why do they subject themselves to two hours of a movie which goes against everything their inner core believes in...only to tell others how sinful of a movie it is? If they really want to warn the masses about the evils of Hollywood, it is in my opinion, they shouldn't partake of those very evils they are wanting to prohibit.
2. He claims he has no money. I realize he operates a website, radio ministry--however, does it REALLY cost $2,000,000 a year to operate? Granted a large sum of money comes from donations; however, he should be thanking God he has a job, and an income--as to where there are millions upon millions around the world who will not even be having a shelter over their head this evening.
3. Since when has the cowboy been an inspiring role-model? John Wayne may have been a good actor; however, he has taught many Americans how easy it is to kill others with a gun, and how easy it is to get lung cancer from chewing tobacco, and smoking...that's not a role-model I want to follow. That's not an icon to be proud of. Why would I be proud of somebody who killed innocent Indians?
4. A good reason why a large portion of people are not attending churches anymore--including myself, is that Satan is using church to split up the body of Christ. There are so many different denominations out there, and they really have their OWN PERSONAL beliefs about the same God....and then they brainwash you to believe that their way is the only right way, and that all other religions have it wrong--and you end up hating other people, and judging them, and looking down upon them, thinking, "You're not going to Heaven, cuz you don't read this Book, or practice these beliefs.." Churches are being built for man, and for man alone...so that man could stuff God in a tiny little black box, and be like, "I know what God is...I have proof!!" It is sad. 99.9% of the churches on the planet are lost. I honestly feel that way. When has a church you've attended been built for God? When did you go to church, and actually wait on God, instead of waiting on the Pastor? I'd like to see that happen, someday. I know it never will, because man is too impatient...
5. If he doesn't like Eminem, or Desperate Housewives--then he could always turn the channel, or press a button to not view it.
I think I'm off my soapbox...I have a lot to think about...LOL.
Take care, and God Bless.
*Christian Hugs* Darrel
That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved.
Darrel, I agree with everything you just said, except one thing: I would lay money on the fact that he NEVER saw Brokeback Mountain! I bet you anything he's just spouting all this garbage & never watch a single minute of the movie!!
This makes me mad!!
Grace is the acceptance of that which is rejected. ~Paul Tillich
I would like to play "devil's advocate" (if you pardon the pun) with what Darrel has just said:
1.) As Christians, we are to SUPPOSED to have a high morality code...BUT we are supposed to have this for ourselves, and Jesus said that if someone within the church has sinned, we who are more "mature" are to show them the error of their ways and be there when they need us. What hypocrites like this guy likes to do is to look for "the devil in the details"...he is of the kind that sees the devil trying to hide behind everything that he himself doesn't understand. Ignorance is the bigot's "lifeblood". And if he discovers that we gays are just like him, then his eyes will be opened and the hate that he uses as HIS "drug" to get high on will lose its "flavor".
2.) No matter how much money this guy has...it's not enough for him. Like all Hitlers, he has "delusions of grandeur" about making the whole world over in his own image. He CLAIMS that he is trying to help us, to make us into straights...I wonder if that means that "straight" is to be just like HIM?
3.) The reason why this guy sees John Wayne as a role model is because he thinks that being a man means you have to be "macho". Which means that you have to own a big gun, shoot people off from buildings, knock people out in a barroom brawl, and kiss every pretty girl west of the Mississippi. I wonder if this guy is having "gender issues" of his own... I know I once thought the same way,too...and then I found out that being a man means being mature enough to give your heart and life to the people that you love.
4.) Only those who have accepted Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior will get to heaven when they die. The Bible is QUITE clear about that. However, like too many Christians, they think that the Great Commision that Christ has issued to His church is a call to a holy crusade. These "believers" are no different from Osama Bin Laden and other Muslims like him who think that the only way to have an eternity in heaven is to destroy anyone not like them.
5.) A Christian is supposed to have enough self-control to change the channel on the TV...but that is just it: this guy is NO CHRISTIAN! He thinks that the Kingdom of God is supposed to begin on the OUTSIDE of his heart (politics, television, movies, etc.) and then it will "sink in" INTO his heart. The Jews of Jesus day thought the same thing about their Messiah. And when He REALLY did come, they rejected Him because He wouldn't "get political" and drive out the Romans and begin the Kingdom of God.
I think whether we agree or disagree with someone we should be careful not to make statements like "they aren't a christian". They may be disillusioned or even just plain wrong but only God can read their hearts.
Going cold turkey isn't nearly as delicious as it sounds - Homer Simpson.
I have done a pretty good job defending Brokeback Mountain and I still haven't seen it (to whom do I surrender my "gay card"? ) so, as Mama Lisa said, he probably hasn't either. There's a possibility that his priest, on direction from bishops or beyond, gave parishioners instructions from the pulpit to mail letters to newspapers, email lists, etc.
These taunts and arrows have been flung far longer than my 25 years out of the closet. What has worked best for me, as well as my parents and siblings as they soon began to share their struggle toward acceptance, is to calmly inform an offending party that they not only have two gay brothers/sons but we have been active in the Church the entire time.
It often has a quieting effect, after which there may be opportunity for further discussion.