Hey I thought it would be worth watching, not for our own knowledge (we know we are a part of God's amazing plan) but it would be good to see what Americans will be exposed to in the subject.
On the CBS newsmagazine "60 Minutes," airing at 7 p.m., correspondent Lesley Stahl hosts a report on what makes a person gay or straight: Is it nature or nurture? The segment looks at scientific studies, including some of twins, that may hold some clues. The studies of twins appear to disprove both nurture and nature, as the subjects were brought up in the same environments and share the same DNA. Some scientists, who say the key may be in the womb, are manipulating testosterone levels in premature rats as an approximation of unborn humans. These manipulations alter the sexual behavior of the rats at maturity, causing males to act like females and vice versa. Through all the studies, the consensus among scientists is that people are born gay. The exact reason why is yet to be discovered.
I know that this is going to sound a little odd coming from the biggest fairyboy here...but I hope that they NEVER find the "cause" of why a person is born gay. Why? Because if they do find it, then you know that a second later someone is going to try to use it to create a "cure". And I don't want to be "cured". I am FINALLY beginning to enjoy being me, "flaws" and all!
And THAT is what is at the heart of the debate here: what makes you "normal"...or "pretty"...or "good"?!
Will SOMEBODY please tell me what those things are!
I am tired of seeing little girls starve themselves to death because they think that the only way to be "pretty" is to be so thin that they STARVE themselves to death. Little girls are pretty just by being the little girls that God made them to be. I am tired of being told to get rid of my love for fried chicken because it is "evil" to eat meat because big slutty Pamela Anderson-Lee-and-whoever-else-she-has-married said that it was cruel to animals. And speaking of "eating forbidden meat"...I am FED UP with some religious nutjob on the TV telling me to either "get straight" or burn in hell!
I like the way that my little niece looks...so what if she is a little "chubby" in the eyes of some perverted Hollywood agent! I like the taste of chicken, pork, turkey, lamb AND beef in my mouth; they are a lot more "cleaner" meats than what Pamela Anderson has had in HER MOUTH! And speaking of gnawing on that kind of "meat"...I having hot...delicious...GAY SEX with another gay guy! Pardon my "boldness" here, but I am on a rant!
The only people who think up this nonsense are people who have WAAAYYYY too much time on their hands, both liberal and conservative! There is NOTHING WRONG with us "normal" people...it is these nutcases, who have a "messiah" complex, that think that everyone else ought to be like them. I am okay with being thin, vegetarianism and being "straight". These things are okay...
BUT...I am not into these things! I am NOT "weird"...JUST DIFFERENT! It is when someone demands that the whole world should revolve around themselves that I start to get ANGRY!