I just think of what is special to me - home (no not here) the rolling green hills, the delicious scent of the mountains, the wonderful breakfast at Mickeys, the promise of a better life and it just rejuvenates me to keep on going, but I sorely miss it but at least I am scratching for it.
God is there for always.. sometimes when it is so hard I lean onto His comfort.
I cry. I pray. I turn on some praise music. And I turn to the Psalms in my bible (my copy of the living bible). I try to find the right verses that speak to my certain situation and meditate on them...letting them wash over my heart and soul...until all my suffering and sadness is washed away by their truth.
Hey Jeffrey, I love the Psalms too.. unfortunately I have neglecting my Bible.. it is downstairs but it has bookmarks all over it. I need to start the habit of reading it again, but I suppose I have been focusing so much on this situation lately trying to get it over with.
I cry. I pray. I turn on some praise music. And I turn to the Psalms in my bible (my copy of the living bible). I try to find the right verses that speak to my certain situation and meditate on them...letting them wash over my heart and soul...until all my suffering and sadness is washed away by their truth. I find God's love the purest in the Psalms. Jeffrey
I'm with Jeffrey here; Psalms is definitely a good place to go to when struggles befall me. Sometimes a good cry is in order followed by prayer.
Lamentation 3:24 The Lord is all I have, and so in him I put my hope.
Dear; when I get weary with struggling and the road starts to seem all uphill I go to my prayerroom and seperate myself unto our precious Lord Jesus. It's then that I can pray without the cares of this life getting in the way. I can fall on my face in love of this precious one that allows me to be tried. I can pay out loud as well as in my heart. It's these times I can do as it says in Psalms and bear my heart unto my precious Lord dear. I don't have to wonder if someone will hear this man speak as a maid and take away from the joy of his presence. It's those times, as I feel my praying change and go from fear and frustration to acknowledging our past precious brothers and sisters that had trials of cruel mocking and loved not their lives to the death dear. When my frustration turns to admitting to my precious Lord I could not have gone through what he did for me. Allowing my weakness to glorify his srength and alowing the abaseing of myself to glorify his greatness and glory soon makes all my fears and troubles seem small and easily to be held in my precious master's hand. I get excited just thinking about him! He's so wonderful. There is none likeunto him in all the earth. In his presence truly is life and at's that light that alightens my darkness and I can say rejoice not against me O mine enemy when I fall for I shall arise ! When I sit in darkness the Lord shall be a light unto me. Truly he is a lamp unto my feet and a light unto my path as I try in my weakness to seek the way of life which is above to escape from hell which is beneath. And to me dear, that way is the same one that said I am the way, the truth and the life; no man cometh unto the father but by me. Blessed be his holy name. I better quit dear as I did not mean to give such a long reply. It's just that when I'm with my precious Lord, I can't stop. May God bless you all. Love, Samantha.
Well, after the month we've just had around here, my response comes from very recent experience. I can tell you what I do when it just gets to be too much: I listen to music. Sometimes it's praise & worship (focusing on the worship type), sometimes it's contemporary Christian, sometimes a specific artist. God speaks to me more through music than any other way, and it usually takes escaping to a place where it's just me and my music to be reminded that He is right there with me, holding me close to His heart.
Grace is the acceptance of that which is rejected. ~Paul Tillich
Dearest Lisa; I just loved your aanswer hun! I have always believed that spiritual and praise music drives off evil spirits and lifts our mood as it did when David played for Saul. May God bless you dear. Love, Samantha.