I have my Rodimus Prime transformer and I transform him from time to time! I also loved my He-Man action figures!!! And I also loved my G.I. Joe action figures - my favorite G.I. Joe action figure was Zartan because he changed colors in the sunlight like he did in the cartoon!
I tell you, they don't make toys like they used to....
Lamentation 3:24 The Lord is all I have, and so in him I put my hope.
Barbies!! I had the convertible, lots of furniture, tons of clothes & shoes! I used to play outside and use holly berries for tomatoes, and Lantana flowers for her bouquets! Ahh, great fun.
Grace is the acceptance of that which is rejected. ~Paul Tillich
I certain do remember PONG and plenty of those early, very early games. Remember the video game where the guy is swinging through the jungle and the whole point of the game was to keep him swinging from one vine to the next without falling into the pits? I think that was Atari.
Lamentation 3:24 The Lord is all I have, and so in him I put my hope.
I played nintendo alot when I was younger. Made it all the way to the end to super mario and never took short cuts... I did sometimes but I figured out the way to make it all the way w/o the shortcuts.. I would play it again anytime but that is an out thing now apparently and I now think video games are for immature boys, but I would love to satify the quench in the Super Mario game just one more time!
I pretty much played outside more though, riding bikes and stuff. Typical boy that wants to get dirty LOL
TaterHead wrote: Anybody remember PONG? I certain do remember PONG and plenty of those early, very early games. Remember the video game where the guy is swinging through the jungle and the whole point of the game was to keep him swinging from one vine to the next without falling into the pits? I think that was Atari.
Yeah, I remember that, "Pitfall" was what it was called. Ah Atari, the memories of hours spent vegging with the controller stuck in my hand, having to pry it loose when it was time for bed....
and your never too old for video games, I still play from time to time, although Atari has been replaced by the Game Cube and X-box, it is still fun to play every once and a while.
Be yourself!!! Don't try to fit into someone else's mold, you won't fit!!! And that just leads to utter misery!!! Live life to it's fullest in Christ's love every day!!!
Video games are fun...but some of my best memories from childhood were from playing board games. These were my all time faves:
Monopoly - Played this game for hours. Often, we kids had to change the rules in the middle of a game to make it shorter, just to get to bed at night.
Uno - This game led to more knock-out fights between us kids than ANY other game! The "Holy Grail" for this game was the "Draw Four" Wild card...if you got this one, then you had POWER!
Battleship - The best game that you could take on a road trip. Who on this planet doesn't like to say the words, "You sank my battleship!" I loved the way that the game boards were made like little suitcases. I sometimes wonder if this was the makers of the laptop computer got their design from...
Monopoly rules! That game can last for hours with the right people!!!! Has anyone ever had to cross a section of the board where on person owned all the buildings and you were out of money and you were hoping to roll the dice that would get you to skip ahead??? Those were funny moments.
I remember Battleship and there was electric battleship also or something like that wasn't there?
Uno.....I remember having that draw four more cards and using on my sister whom thought she was about to win......
I tell you, they don't make games like they used too....when people would actuall interact!!!! These days you can play with someone online who is miles and miles away.
Lamentation 3:24 The Lord is all I have, and so in him I put my hope.
anyone for a rousing game of monopoly,I have 6 different editions to choose from.
Uno - your turn, (the only card I'm holding is a wild card)
B-9 (I sunk YOUR battleship)
Risk is also an awesome game (have two editions)
Your right Steve, the personal interaction is missing in todays games.
Be yourself!!! Don't try to fit into someone else's mold, you won't fit!!! And that just leads to utter misery!!! Live life to it's fullest in Christ's love every day!!!
I mention a toy/game and you talk about it, tell a story from your childhood, voice an opinion...and then YOU mention any toy/game and the game goes ON and ON!
I HATE to wait! I was practically in love with those robots! My favorite part of the cartoon show was the sound that they made when they transformed! It was the COOLEST sound in the universe. I wish I could make my computer make that sound when it first comes on and shuts off.
My favorite one autobot was Ratchet. He talked like a Southern hillbilly.
My favorite decepticon was Soundwave. His voice was like Darth Vader's.
My favorite toy of theirs was Shockwave. It was a lightgun that made two different sounds when you pulled the trigger.
The dumbest robots that they made were the Dinobots...They neither looked like robots, nor dinosaurs.
Ratchet and Soundwave will be in the live action Transformer movie, HOWEVER, Soundwave will be a helicopter, not a stero and Ratchet will be a fire truck, not an ambulance. From what I understand, they are going to use 5 autobots and 5 decpitcons that we know and all others will be new characters. Bumblebee will still be a volkswagon and Optimus and Megatron will still retain there bodies as we know it. Also, if you remember Arcee, from the cartoon Transformer movie will be in it, but not as a car, she will be a motorcycle!!!!
Lamentation 3:24 The Lord is all I have, and so in him I put my hope.
I was amazed by Legos. I'd build anything and everything under the sun with 'em. I made hospitals, restaurants...whole communities! I never got tired of 'em. Still don't.
I like metal slinkys. Those things rock!
I had an Atari. I had so many games. I loved to play "Warlords," or "Asteroids." Also there was a game called "Adventure." I hated it. It was a prelude to Zelda. Anybody remember that? I'll see if I could attach a screenshot of what it looks like on this post.
My childhood wouldn't be the same without Duck Hunt. I was also a board game kid, too. :) I love to play Pictionary. That's one of my favorite games of all time.
I wasn't too into Transformers...but, I ended up with a billion Hot Wheels. I used to hold races with them all, and there would be cars all over the place! Man...I wish I was a kid again. :) I think I'm going to go to Toys R Us, when I wake back up.. :)
That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved.
Slip 'n Slide - We didn't own one because we were to poor, but my dad got this long strip of linoleum and slicked it up good with a can of furniture polish. I think I broke the land speed record with that thing and my bare behind!
Horseshoes - My dad LOVED playing this game! We would have the field all to ourselves and we would cast ringers around each pole. I would cheat though: I would wait until my opponent got ready to swing, and then I would raise my shirt over my head and yell out "HOT FLASH!" to get them so tickled and distracted that they would miss the pole completely!
Lawn Darts - Yes...I actually owned one of those "games of death" that maimed and disfigured kids from all over. It was actually quite fun! The only problem was that every time we kids played with it...the neighbors would run for the hills!!!
Would you believe it took me over TWENTY YEARS to finally solve mine?! I remember lying on my bed, just turning the sides around in any way I felt, when I began to notice a pattern! Then I began to become hopeful, when the colors began to match up. And then...after a couple of more turns...BAM! I had it solved! I was so happy, that I ran into the living room, jumping up and down, shouting "20 YEARS! 20 YEARS!" over and over.