The bible says in Mark 16:15and he said unto them, Go ye into all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature.
And I most certainly want to do that when the opportunity arises, but I have a question: how honest do I have to be about my life? For example, if someone wanted to know more about God and they wanted to know more who I am, how honest to I have to be about being a gay Christian? Revealing that I'm gay can cause the whole endeavor to go down the toilet. Some people might question me; why would they want to hear the word of God from a homosexual, you know? So, how honest do I have to be about myself? Someone is bound to ask and I don't feel that lying is appropriate and not answering is a sure sign that I am hiding something.
Lamentation 3:24 The Lord is all I have, and so in him I put my hope.
I think how much you tell a person depends on the situation. If you were talking to a gay person, then by all means tell them that you are gay. But if you just met someone on the street, and started witnessing to them, your being gay is a non-issue. The important point to get across is that God loves them and sent His son to die for them so that they can have eternal life.
Grace is the acceptance of that which is rejected. ~Paul Tillich
This site is run by Ray Comfort. You can download and printout free bible tracks and literature. It will also help you in how to witness to others. As for the gay part...I would use it no matter who is listening. Your LIFE in Christ is the real "witness".
When I talk to people about God, my aim isn't conversion. My aim is for people to simply become aware of God's love for them and God's presence in their lives.
I find that I can't go anywhere and not have a conversation about God.
Sometimes we get into the nitty gritty of what sin is or what hell is. Sometimes we talk about the purpose & message of Christ. Sometimes we talk about sexuality.
Regardless of the context, my message to people is the same. God loves you. End of story. Nothing you can do or say would separate you from that love.
You don't have to be good enough for it. You don't have to earn it. You don't have to even be a Christian.
God still loves you.
I find that as people start realizing that, their lives change. They stop missing the mark in so many areas of their lives. They start setting goals and having dreams. They begin to see themselves as "love-able" and thus begin to love themselves. And it changes their lives.
Perfect love casts out fear. God is love. Anything else is a lie.