i hope this post is ok, i am not sure where to put it so i picked here. anyhoo, alot has been going on in my life as of late. one thing i am not ready to get right into yet. the other is something that has been going on for awhile. as some of you know i am seperated from my husband, and i will be filing for divorce in the middle of april, i had to be seperated for a year before you can go any furthure. in the last year he has been sending me emails, telling me how wrong i am, and that i should see my faults (which i do) and quoting to me from the bible, trying to guilt me into coming back. this is a marriage that should never of happened, and yes i admit to my faults in the marriage, and i admit that i should of stopped it before it happened, i didnt. the last couple of months in have been pretty tough. the ex has sent some pretty harsh emails, that bordered on me thinking about getting a restraining order or something, he kinda creeped me out, and i dont scare easily. yesterday was a doozy, i recieved a letter from my government saying that i owe them $2900.00. when i called them to find out what the heck was going on, i found out that my ex claimed my daughter on his taxes, which is cant because he never adopted her, and i never gave him any type of guardianship of her, and plus when we sperated he and i agreed to share the northern living allowance, he claim half and i claim half, i claimed half and he claimed all of it. so now i am being audited for that as well. its not going to take much for me to prove to the government that i am eligable for half, and that i have sole custody of my daughter, its the fact that he is doing this. i am so looking forward to the end of april when i can file these divorce papers. and be free of him. is this wrong of me? probably i know divorce is not in Gods plan, i get that, but i also know i can and am forgiven. i guess i am not searching for an answer and if this post needs to be moved that is ok. just tell me where it went. i think this was more of a getting something out instead of bottling it up. thanks for reading. feed back would be appreciated, maybe i am not seeing something here.
I am sorry to read that your are going through some tough trials. All I can say is don't get so caught up in the difficulites of divorce. Easier said than done. Anotherwords, dwell on it and take it in, but don't allow yourself to sulk in the situation. I would say to open you bible to the Book of Psalm and take comfort in those words.
Lamentation 3:24 The Lord is all I have, and so in him I put my hope.
I know how hard divorce can be. And what a relief it can be! I was married before, right after high school, to a man we still refer to as "Creephead". It only lasted 2 years, but like you, I knew it should have never happened. I also had indications that he would have ended up being an abuser. Fortunately, I was able to end it without too much drama. (We had bought a house together near the end, and I had gotten the keys back from him. But I kept noticing little things missing, like knives and serving spoons to my flatware. Come to find out, he was coming in through the garage attic access and down through the inside attic access, and taking whatever he "needed"!)
All this to say, even though the Bible talks against divorce, I know God does forgive and will bless you in the future. After my lousy marriage to Creephead, he brought Teddy into my life and we've now been married for 25 years and have 2 amazing kids. Just consider this an end to one part of your life, and the beginning of something better! (Actually, Teddy & I went to high school together, but he never asked me out then! So God brought him BACK into my life!)
Grace is the acceptance of that which is rejected. ~Paul Tillich
Dearest Shelly; I'm sorry to see you in so much pain dear. There are some scriptural grounds for divorce and only the Lord and you know if it applies. The main thing dear, is to follow the advice that your brothers and sisters give here. They love you unconditionally dear. It truly is a hard time and I pray that the Lord will overshadow you with his love and give you a peace in your mind and soul. May tha Lord bless you. Love, Samantha
God HATES divorce. I am not saying this to put anyone down who has gone down this road...I have done WORSE things. But He does hate it. He hates to see people who were once in love start bickering and hurting each other. But He is also understanding. He knows why people get married. I wanted once to get married. Not because so much out of love, but because I thought that it would make me "normal". I see now that if I did, I only would have created a huge mess and hurt even MORE people. God knows what the future holds for two people. And He knows why these things happen. It just breaks His heart when they do.
Don't let what has happened in your cases turn you bitter and resentful towards the person who hurt you. I have lived too many years like that. Just forgive the ones who hurt you and let them go into God's hands. They are hurting, too.
My god...Shelly, I see how hard you are going through now! I just hate that you feel that way. I think you're an amazing person with a great heart, and you will get through that! God knows what's best for you, and if that even means divorcing him would be better for you, go for it. He'll be with you and hold your holds. I pray hard that everything will clear up for you so you don't have feel stress anymore. Maybe you can write him an email that you want to be happy and that. If he loves you, he should let you go. And besides he needs a better person to be with. You know? Anyways hang it there!
Ok that wasn't very supportive, I'm sorry. It drives me crazy to see good people get screwed over. You deserve so much better Shelly, I and really believe that something good is coming to you, not just cuz you're a good person but because you have worked so hard to help your daughter and your family.
love hugs kisses smooch. Ok i'm in a better place now. And that loser is gonna get it.
ahh jens when there is a dark shadow across the land i can always rely on you to spread some sunshine, you are supportive, except when you are angry lol kidding. you have been my rock, and my source of laughter through this whole crazy mess.