OK, I think I got the hang of it, as evidenced by the fact that my recent little comment got posted into the "Introduction" section. OK here goes: I'm a Roman Catholic gay Christian seeking fellowship with other gay Christians. The gay community at large with all the shallowness therein has sort of disillusioned me with all the age and body-image pickiness. I don't wish to appear desparate and needy, but I sure could use the fellowship. Though I'm affirmed in my gay feelings, I'm still on a journey, if you will, in that I'm praying and seeking how to integrate my sexuality with my spirituality. Hopefully, you all can help me on this journey. For me, it's not easy, in that I get two messages from different schools of thought: religion (albeit indirectly) absolutely says "no no" whereas the shallow end of the gay community is not affirming (albeit indirectly) given my age (40s). I suppose I'd be construed as an old queen. Hence, both seem to be saying, through different reasonings, that being gay is not my birthright.
-- Edited by polishboy on Sunday 12th of April 2009 10:43:37 PM
-- Edited by polishboy on Sunday 12th of April 2009 10:45:24 PM
-- Edited by polishboy on Sunday 12th of April 2009 10:46:38 PM
-- Edited by polishboy on Sunday 12th of April 2009 10:51:34 PM
-- Edited by polishboy on Sunday 12th of April 2009 10:52:29 PM
-- Edited by polishboy on Sunday 12th of April 2009 10:54:42 PM
It's so good to have a fresh face here at TSA! You can stop by anytime you like and talk about ANYTHING you like. We don't judge. You're among friends.
I'm Jeffrey! Nice to meet you! I, too, am tired of the shallowness that is often prevalent through most gay communities. I desire a deeper walk with Christ, so I find myself an "outcast" among those that see gayness as nothing more but "fore-skin deep".
Hi Polishboy! Welcome to TSA! How should we address you? Polishboy or by your real name?
Jeffrey's right - you can talk about anything you want to here. All we ask is that you use the "Sensitive Issues" for topics that are controversial or extremely personal. Non-members can't see the "Sensitive Issues" forum.
Again, Welcome!!
Grace is the acceptance of that which is rejected. ~Paul Tillich
Nice to have you here and yeah for being different!
I think that growing up we learn that to belong is to fit in, and that can't be further from the truth. To belong is to take on the responsibility of sharing our unique perspectives with the people around us so that we can all learn and grow from each other.
I work in an environment full of slacks and dress shirts, the bug has not hit me because I walk around with my red highlights, green earrings, t-shirts and shorts just fine. Well I do trip from time to time but for the most part forward is pretty easy lol. When ever we have student recruits they often come to me to give a presentation about my work so that tells me they can see past the crazy. I am a very young 30 : ) the old queen in me can be quite loud : )