Good morning. Up early because the maid comes today. Nothing much going on today. Just work, then dinner at church, followed by working in the music library. It will be a long day.
Hope you have a good one!
By the way, we do have some new members. If you are new, please say hi! And we'd love for you to go to Introductions and tell us about yourself! Welcome!!
Grace is the acceptance of that which is rejected. ~Paul Tillich
Well, I haven't had luck finding a roommate so it looks like I will be living solo. Going to look at some places today at noon. Hope everyone has a good day.
Lisa, you have a maid??? lol. Shoot, if I lived there I'd clean your house if you paid me...I am a born cleaner Oh man...I am so tired! I had pre-nursing stuff again today. I have it tomorrow and Friday too. So much to get done...and guess what?? I am going to be working at our #1 trauma center in Memphis! It's called The Med. I will learn so much there...from gun shot wounds, stab wounds, burns, and just everything. I am a little nervous...but I think I'll be ok.
Victor, wish I lived there, cuz I wouldn't mind having a roommate,...of course I would have to have a job also lol. Anyways, good luck. Well...hope everyone is ok. I love you all...I will talk to you all later! night!