Ha, Kirk Cameron. The Shack is WAY too full of mercy & grace for Kirk to star in a movie about it! This book just introduces different sides of God, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit. It's an easy read and well worth your time.
Grace is the acceptance of that which is rejected. ~Paul Tillich
-------OMG------- I downloaded the book from Itunes and listened to it. That was the best thing I've heard in a long time. I found it to be very thought provoking. Wether it is total fiction or not and even if it is one persons perception of God, Grace, and forgiveness, it gives a face to faith that is so often needed. Steve, I agree that that particular segment in the book was very interesting. I fall short of the words that describe my emotions when he was asked to judge God. I especially like it when Jesus explained to Mac about man made institutions. I can hardly wait for some sort of book study on this to happen, I will find the time to do it.