Good morning, friends!!! Just before my alarm went off, I was dreaming about McCain & Obama. When the alarm started beeping, they both stood perfectly still, lifted up their chins, and proceeded to make alien beeping sounds (which, of course, were the sounds coming from my alarm!) Pretty funny thing to wake up to.
Another day of work for me. It's strange around here. I went to work, fought normal traffic all the way home, then discovered grocery stores (the ones with power) were closing at 7:00pm!! Missed it by that much. On one corner is a gas station with no power, but right next to that are two fast food restaurants with power. It is so weird. And we are so thankful to have our power back on. Thank you, God, for bringing us all safely through Ike!
Grace is the acceptance of that which is rejected. ~Paul Tillich
The things we wake up to. I woke up thinking of the nursery rhyme,
There was a little girl Who had a little curl Right in the middle of her forehead And when she was good She was very very good But when she was bad She was horrid I remember that from when I was a baby -- that's eons ago now....
Hope everyone is getting back to normal - well as normal as possible - since the storm.. We were truly blessed when you think of Galveston.
I totally understand what you mean by waking up to strange things. Just this morning I woke up and asked "oh I am sorry what was your name?" and he answered "Gecko". Really who would name their kid Gecko, so strange. lol just kidding, it didn't happen this morning lol. Good morning every one. It feels funny driving around because its like I am playing a game "find the hurricane damage", stuff that just doesn't look right. Any way back to work, while it was nice to have some days off from work know I have to catch up all my work Grrr.