Good Morning, my little chickadees! I can't say if it's a beautiful morning here, because it's the butt-crack of dawn and still dark out side. I'm up early so I can get to work early because I'm so behind. Suddenly it seems that all the youth staff are always there in the office, which means lots of interruptions for me. So my goal is to get in there before the others so I can work in peace.
The best antique is an old friend.
Your own friend and your father's friend, forsake them not… Better is a neighbor who is near [in spirit] than a brother who is far off [in heart].Proverbs 27:10 AMP
Grace is the acceptance of that which is rejected. ~Paul Tillich
so im up here and got a free moment.. we have new coworkers (well, kinda new to us.. we were bought) walking around all the time now and there are some goooooood lookin fellas here!!
You can never have too many good looking guys walking around! Has anyone seen the A&F sign on 610 South near MicroCenter?? Ooooh, I just about wreck every day going by there!!
Busy day at work. And had to stop to go have my picture taken with Alan. Stay tuned for more details about that!!!
Grace is the acceptance of that which is rejected. ~Paul Tillich
That sign is always a very yummy sign. We have the new class of medical students walking around and more often than not they are very nice to look at. I am almost on my way home, I need some bed time still feel a bit sick.