I hope nobody got hurt with the earthquake today. I was taking a bath when it hit. It shook our house for about fifteen seconds. The water started swirling around in the tub and the bathroom door swung open. At first I thought it may be a tornado. But there was no noise. I decided to exit the bathroom as I didn't feel like being nude if it was a tornado and the house disappeared from around me. When I called my wife she said it was an earthquake that registered 5.2. I hope none of you all had any harm nor major damage. May God bless, Tiff
We didn't get any of it here in Memphis. Of course,I have a bad feeling it's bound to happen. We are right near a fault line and they have been saying for years that when a earthquake does hit Memphis...well,let's just say it will be worse than when New Orleans was hit by Katrina. It scares me a lot...I just hope it doesn't happen while I live here. Of course,I hope it is a long time before it happens..
P.S. I'm glad you weren't hurt Tiff! It could have been a lot worse for you