Last night, while I was at work, a burglar tried to break into our apartment while my mom was sleeping. Fortunately, she wasn't hurt and she called 911. The cops came, chased the would-be-thief away and went after him. He got away. My mom is a little shook up about it. I spent most of today between having nightmares of this guy standing at my mom's bedroom window again. I am worried about leaving her when I go back to work tomorrow. We both can use all of the prayers that we can get.
How scarey, Jeffery. I know how concerned you must be and your Mom must be beside herself. I will certainly say a prayer for both of you. Do you have a house or apt. Can you possibly move. Maybe she would feel safer and you would be more at ease about it if you could.
The police believe that they've caught the guy(s). They were stopped after stealing plants and things from Kroger, Lowe's, Wal-Mart and one other store before FINALLY getting pulled over by the cops.