It's marathon meeting day. Which means today is pretty much a wash when it comes to getting anything done! But I'm up early, going to try to get there early enough so that I can leave about 3:30. Then I'm going on a bird hunt with my little Barbie net!! It's time to move some of the finch to a "bigger cage" called The Great Outdoors! We fixed a place in the back yard with a bird bath, feeder & bird house, so they are welcome to hang around if they so desire. Or they are free to take their dirty little selves off into the wild blue yonder!
Later I'll post some pictures of last weekend's backyard project!
Be blessed today!
Grace is the acceptance of that which is rejected. ~Paul Tillich
It would be nice if the birds stuck around in your back yard.
I spent all morning connecting a pump to our injection machine, the connections didn't quite fit so I had to operate on some plastic tubing with fire, always fun specially if you don't start a fire. Yes I have started fires in my lab, thankfully I have put them out before the building sprinkler system turns on.
Also,Victor, wouldn't it be fun to play in the water at work?? I think it would lol.
Well...having an ok day. I got all my classes done and now I am waiting for my dad to come get me after he is done with work. *sighs* guys ever stop thinking about sex? I mean...Jake thinks about it CONSTANTLY. It gets kind of tiring and he gets angry when I am not in the mood...which is a lot. I am just not a sexual person (and don't laugh victor lol) but I know I could live without it if I had to. Anyways...I gotta get some work done tonight. I'm kind of wrapping up the semester. Only like a month left!! yay! Well,tal to you guys laters.