I just got my new friend this weekend. He is actually my first pet ever, a male Russian Dwarf Hamster. I wanted to get an oppinion on what to name him. I think I am leaning more towards Cheeto. Also feel free to give a suggestion.
I voted for Nibbles because I am rather no-nonsense about pet names, to dumb to think of a coy one and because Alma was probably taken already. I hope your friend is a blessing. Tiff
I really shouldn't have posted that about Alma. I think she just loves those she deals with to the point where she is overly defensive like a mother. The truth is, I forgive her. As for the new addition, Ben! Tiff
I have been using Cheeto, but will see I am liking Chewbacca more and more. I hope I don't give him identity problems, lol. Every time I put him on my desk he will go towards anything and start biting, he already tore a button on my remote control.