Good morning!! (Wow, that sounds way more chipper than I feel!) I'm still having a lot of trouble sleeping. Time to call the doctor again. Once I fall asleep, I'm okay, but it takes me hours to do so!
Today is just work, then home to sit in my recliner next to my sweetie. Can't wait!
Grace is the acceptance of that which is rejected. ~Paul Tillich
first she was determined to move them under my bed. she got the five dark ones and left the white one. then after serveral back and forth trips, she gets one and lays with it in a bag that was on the ground and left the others for like 20 mins. then i finally moved them again and picked the bag up and got a box, laid it on its side, stuck a pillow in it and put it in the quietest spot possible and i realized it has to be her idea to move them. she found the box and still just took the one.
aye, crazy.
and no, im not messing with them. im leaving them alone.
Amy - this has happened to me... a momma cat kept moving around her kittens. So I used an empty stall in the barn, put a big enough box in there (like 3 feet by 3 feet, she had only 3 kittens) with a couple of old towels, put food and water in there and shut her in. The momma cat would go to bathroom in the shavings and when she wanted to get away all she had to do is get out of the box and go around the stall. She would keep putting them back in where the water drains and that is a bad thing since it was raining the whole time! So do you have a spare room? It would be only a couple of weeks before they get too big to carry around then you can let her out. if you use a bathroom, keep the lid on the toilet down all the times...