I have just read the story about the shooting incident at Rev. Haggard's old church. With all this happening so soon after the shootings in that Kansas mall, do you think that the media is partly to blame for this stuff?
I mean, the shooter said in his suicide note that he knew that there would be a lot of publicity about what he would do...What kind of NUT would think this sort of insanity up? He sure wouldn't have any way of enjoying being in this kind of "spotlight" after he KILLED HIMSELF.
I def. think its the shooter/s fault. They're the idiots here.
But at the same time, I feel people who do these types of things aren't right (in the head). They have something wrong with them. Servere depression, bipolar, etc. I also believe it could be drugs. I think the drug trend is getting way out of control and kids are using younger and younger, and we all know that drugs impare your thinking.
I do not think its the parents fault.
People say its the second amendment (right to bear arms) fault, but i also say thats a bunch of bologna.
I may be wrong but think about this. just supposed the man was demon possessed. Remember how when satan entered Judas he immediately put actions to the btrayal of Jesus and then the first thing he did was kill himself. You know, the spirit of anti-christ the Bible speaks of will sit in the temple shewing himself that he is god. He doesn't show the the Lord he's god or the world he's god but the person he enters. That's that me, me, me type of attitude. I'm saved and you're lost. I'm right and you're wrong. I'm the best! What's in it for me? Look what I did! We're straight! See what I'm getting at? Some of it kinda looks like Phelps and others. The difference is when that spirit gets ahold of people and tells them they are a god, or worthy of glory, it also tells them to kill thmselves. Honey, no rationally sane person wants the glory of being dead. I think it's just what the Lord said would transpire and in these evil days we live in that spirit is in many, many people. Straight, GLBT and unsaved too. If ever there was a time to draw nigh unto God I think now is the time. These people just defy the imagination. It's sick. Well, that's my thoughts on it. I think the devil is running rampant. May God bless. Tiff