Hey guys, I just got a call from one of my friends who told me that another friend of ours shot himself late sunday.
His 4 year old sister found him and they found a note to his parents basically saying this was the only way and how he could never meet their standards and how he wasnt good enough for anyone.
please pray for the entire family and my friends as we all deal with this.
hes evidently been planning it. he quit his job, and told some other coworkers "youre never going to see me again" Naturally everyone assumed he was just saying that cause he quit. They were at church and he left early cause he "wasnt feeling well" so while the rest of the family was at church, he laid on top of a towel and then did it. And evidently in the note he apologized for "the mess"
It hurts so much when I hear of someone taking their own life over something so trivial as "perfectionism". As someone who was that close, myself, I thank you for the love of the friends here at TSA and GCN that helped to bring me out of that darkness. Please, be with this poor boy's family as you welcome him into your kingdom. Give them all of the grace and comfort that they need. Bless them with the company of caring angels, both human and heavenly, that will walk with them through their grief. Bless each member of this family and love them through this dark night. For in Jesus' name, I pray. Amen.