Hello everyone, I hope you are all having a great day. I had a very busy and long weekend. Busy because I got a chance to spend some time with Nick and the Austin GCN group so I had to put extra hrs in the lab during the week. Long because I got some bad news from home. My sister is going through a divorce and it is getting ugly.
Jesus just finished the cookies Amy hooked him up with during the Halloween party so he said he is ready to visit you guys again LOL.
Greetings All! Had a rough night. Could not go to sleep for some reason. The last time I looked at the clock, it was 4:14am. And I think that just as I was about to doze of some time later, the stupid neighbor's stupid dog barked. That was 5:15. Fortunately, he only barked one short outburst, then was quiet. I finally slept until almost 11:00.
Today we are just messing around the house. Teddy just cleaned out the fireplace & is gone to smoke some chicken for dinner. I've got some bills to pay and some other stuff to do on the computer. We are working on the TheShepherdsArms.org webpage, so hopefully we'll have something up there soon.
Victor, feel free to bring Jesus to Bible study on the 15th!
Grace is the acceptance of that which is rejected. ~Paul Tillich