OK, I'll start today. Surpisingly enough after working out yesterday for the first time in a while, I'm not all that sore, but I am tired. I can't wait for the "boost in energy" part of working out to kick in. Got a lot of business to take care of today so it should pass quickly. I hope everyone has a good Friday. Challenge to everyone.......try to contact an old member that you haven't seen around here in some time and encourage them to come back and join in!
last night i cleaned my entire apartment (like really really cleaned) cause im having a surprise party for my best friend tonight. Work took us out to pappadeaux for lunch and then after work i need to go get the decorations, cake and snacks for tonight, run home, decorate and have everything ready by 9. Can I do it? I hope so.
I was actually doing some cleaning too Amy. My bestest friend in the whole wide world is visiting me for the weekend.
"Trash Can Punch"? hmmm I don't think the mental picture I have at the moment would be a good recipe.
I just noticed something very funny, my three best friends ever (and are current best friends) all have birthdays only days away (October 2,3, and 10). Its a good thing cuz it makes it hard for me to forget their birthdays.
I am feeling better, but find myself getting tired & hot easily. But I'm making up for it by having some of the leftover margarita from last weekend that I was too sick to enjoy!!
I don't know about Trash Can Punch, but I have a recipe for Litter Box Cake!!
Grace is the acceptance of that which is rejected. ~Paul Tillich