Good morning everyone. Well first off this is a special for day Lisa and I. Today we have been married for 27 years. Each year our life gets better and I'm glad that I have her to share it with me.
Now food for thought. Where were you when the attacks of Sept. 11th, 2001 occurred? For me I was at work when one of the ladies in the office came out and told us what had just happened. We went into the bosses office, where there was a TV and watched as the second plane hit. We all sat there in amazement that this was happening to us here in the US.
I often wonder how some people can be so hardened by their beliefs that they can turn to acts such as that to try and convince the world that they are right and we are wrong and this is what they will do to prove it. It simply doesn't make any sense. Of course I don't have to tell any of you about religious people doing the same to you, do I. Many conflicts have come from differences of culture and religion and, as Lisa has put it, it must break God's heart.
I was getting dressed for work and Teddy called me to tell me. I remember the stunned feeling all day at work as we watched the latest & dealt with all the phone calls. I was working at my church at the time.
Grace is the acceptance of that which is rejected. ~Paul Tillich
I was in my 7th grade science class when my English teacher came in and told us to turn the tv on. We were watching,...and then I remember seeing the second plane get hit on live tv. I didn't understand as much about what it meant...but I do now ans have so much more pride for our country. Congratulations Mama ans Teddy!! That is an awesome thing to have, 27 years married to the same person. I'm so happy for you!! Most people ( about 56%) get divorced in america..and a lot of people cheat on their spouses. I hope to find someone to be together with that long. Oh yeah! Did either of you two see that one movie before Jason & deMarco's? It was about 2 men who had been a couple like 56 years!! I would love to find someone to be with that long . Well...have a great night everyone,gotta eat then study. Love ya all!!
I was in the waiting room of Somerset hospital, praying that my dad would make it through his cancer operation okay, when the planes began falling. Everyone in the hospital room listened quietly as Peter Jennings on my CD player/FM radio reported the attacks and collapse of the WTC. And then he told that there were FIFTY more airplanes that still hadn't landed yet.
Everyone in the room looked up at the ceiling for a few moments...wondering one of THEM was going to come crashing through.