I did take time out to talk to one of my neighbors who was telling me all about how she stood up for Alan (and gay people in general) to the neighbor who took care of our animals. Remember the story? The bad neighbor told the good neighbor that she should "dust off her Bible" and see what it has to say about homosexuality! I guess the bad neighbor missed all that "God is love" stuff. She must read a different Bible than I do.
Grace is the acceptance of that which is rejected. ~Paul Tillich
I need to go home and clean, my roommate has been out of town a lot the past month on interviews and I should have taken the time to clean how I like it. Pretty soon I need to start looking for a roommate, well till the end of the yr, and I just hate the idea. There are so many crazy people out there. All my previous roommates have been people I knew for at least a yr but with most of my friends graduating and not being able to afford rent by my self I cant take that luxury at this time. A cute gay roommate would be great but I just pray for a respectful person.
I have a question, do you all think I look old on my picture? Someone I met at MamaLisas house, not going to say his name cuz he is a sweety and dont want to make him feel bad (blond with blue eyes from Tennessee) said that before he met me, he thought I was much older cuz of my picture . Witch one is better?
I like the middle picture too! And you do not look old Victor,despite what someone thought in the past. That person has changed their opinion and does not think you are old,believe me,lol. You are a super duper great guy. I wish I could be your roomate,but I got school...so. Well,today I went to my school while my big bro was at the Memphis library. I did hw and studied for 3 and 1/2 hours. I seem to find myself doing hw and studying at least 4 hours a day..and I'm still behind! *sighs* I'm so tired,mentally, right now and just want to nap...or even go to bed now,lol. Well...I hope everyones day was great. I love you all!
I like the middle one also... and btw, the blond hair blue eyed boy from tennessee thinks I am ancient... so don't feel bad... I have not idea How old you are... I would imagine you are in your early 20's. hugs, jerry
Big Hugs!Blessings of Love, Joy, Peace & Health-Physical, Mental & Spiritual, jerry
"Who walks a road with love, will never walk that road alone." -Charles Thomas Davis
And we have a winner!!! I personally like the one with a smiley face, I was good at work that day so I got a sticker LOL! I removed my least favorite .