It's Payday! wooohoo... Today we are having a BBQ at work. "Wear Tee-shirts, shorts, and flip-flops".. ya know, basically what i wear everyday! =) Anywho, thats at noon and i have a feeling we are getting out early.. and we have monday off! All of this makes me not wanna work!
But unfortunately, i do have stuff to do.
I just walked outside to look to see what they were doing.. they went ALL out for this thing. its kinda funny in a cute way.
Yippee. Alan & Korey get to got play in the sun, and we get to keep their very annoying dog. I can hardly wait.
I just got finished typing a list of books that Mammaws has read. Doesn't everyone keep a list? She had her list in a little notebook. Now it's on 7 pages of an excel spreadsheet containing 296 books. And that's just the ones she remembered to write down!!
Grace is the acceptance of that which is rejected. ~Paul Tillich
Hey everyone..I finally fixed my browser. This week has been so tiring...waking up at 5am,and being at school until 5pm everyday. It's like having a 12 hour job. When I'm not in class,I'm studying and doing my assignments. Also,I have been working out at the gym everyday. I hope to get the beach body I want by this summer,lol. Well,...gonna rest this 3 day weekend,but also study too. Goodnight and hope all are well