Ok out of fairness to Mama Lisa, I went one more time to the DC MCC.
Was it better than years ago? Well, only in the sense that not everyone ignored me.
Most everyone ignored me. Except for this very creepy deacon who kept feeling up other guys as well throughout the service. But that was it.. even the "saints" of the church, all attractive young guys, mostly ignored me, except for one or two that said "Thank you for coming" and quickly walking away.
There was the one guy that I literally forced to talk to me with a very friendly, "Hi, I'm Phil, how are you, what's your name?" and he stammered something and literally scampered off to talk to apparently more attractive guys than I.
Kind of.. I don't do morning churches because I'm a night creature. It was, well, not my thing in some aspects. hard to explain unless you've been to a goth or punk church before
Is there a punk or goth church that you can attend weekly? I'm guessing not if you are looking for another church!
Don't forget - worship is for God, not for us!
Lisa, did you really mean to say that last line? Worship is for God, not for us!
I am actually surprised... I hope you don' t believe that... If that were the case... I am not sure why anyone would ever go to a church.... Because if it were just for God... we could worship, praise, give thanks to God anywhere anytime... I thought one of the main reasons for going to a church---a community of fellow believers was for the edification and building up of the saints---the believers... to nurture us and feed our souls and to teach and challenge us to grow spiritually and to support one another on our spiritual journey much like we do in this group.
Was that harsh? I hope not... It just didn't sound like you Lisa... I can't believe you would believe that much less say it... anyway, these are my thoughts... If I misunderstood, I am sorry and if we have different opinions that is okay too... We don't have to agree... Hugs, Jerry Love ya... BTW, that is largely why I stopped going to church because it became too political and people were fighting too much about petty differences... and I didn't feel very loved... but I do miss very, very much seeing the MAJORITY of people at church who were loving, kind and gracious.
They are always so kind to me when I go for visits on special occasions.
Big Hugs!Blessings of Love, Joy, Peace & Health-Physical, Mental & Spiritual, jerry
"Who walks a road with love, will never walk that road alone." -Charles Thomas Davis
Nope, totally meant what I said. The worship part of a church service is for God, though of course, you can worship Him anytime anywhere. I used to work at my church with a lady that would see the bulletin for the upcoming services before Sunday. She would look at the hymns we would be singing, and if she didn't like them, she wouldn't come. As if the service was strictly for her pleasure.
The fellowship, learning from the Word, the sense of community are all vital to us as believers, but we can get those things through other areas of the church; such as Sunday school, Bible study, small group studies, social activities for families, etc. Worship, I believe, is for God.
Grace is the acceptance of that which is rejected. ~Paul Tillich
We go to church to worship God not the preacher or the people. Like Lisa says we can worship God wherever we are. We are the Church and not the building. If you put your eyes on the preacher or the people you are in for a let down. Even the " do gooders" will let you down.....I think the reason for going to a bible church is to edify our soul and body. To be fed manna from the word. We need to take our eyes off people and put them on the Lord, to worship and obey him. This is not an easy road to take, I know, but take it we must. We'll be so much happier in the end.. Believe me, I'm eighty and still learning.
"Where two or more are gathered in my name there I will be also"
Church is where you go to be in the presence of God with a community of believers. I think what Jerry said is a very important part of the "Church" experience and should be what you take away with you. But the real reason to sit in Church is to worship God and to let God speak to you and work through you and get you ready for the days ahead, whatever they bring. Sunday is my favorite day of the week because of my Church.
I believe that if you love God and are full of the holy spirit,that you will be compelled to go to church. You will want to worship with others and it's all for God. We go to reconnect ourselves with our Father in heaven.
Is there another MCC around you? I find it weird that an MCC is like this. Most of the MCC chruches are very very friendly and go out of their way to say hi. then again, maybe that just Texas?
As I do believe that church is for God, I also feel we have to have a church that we feel safe, and welcome in. A "second home" so to speak.