Good Morning All! My little birdies are singing... my evil little Riley is growling and protecting her bone... and my two new temporary cats are singing the song of being in heat. What a morning!
I'm off to work today and I'm excited about it. Not for any reason, other than I've decided to let go of my dream of working at my church (it ain't gonna happen right now!) and devote myself to being the best Administrative Assistant to the Youth Ministry I can be! (I'm already loved greatly there now!!) I'm going to quit looking at my job as just a stop before getting my "real" job. This is where God has placed me and I'm going to shine there!!
I hope you all have a wonderful day!!!! I'll be praying for each & everyone of you!
Grace is the acceptance of that which is rejected. ~Paul Tillich
coffee doesnt bother me by the way. Anyway, couldnt sleep last night again, but this time i fell asleep at 2, instead of 6. I can hardly keep my eyes open cause they burn. I was told "you look like youre really hungover".. great.
Thank God for days off. Had a rough day at work yesterday, so rough that I didn't even have the energy to post yesterday.
Today is much better, since I have the day off. I am being SOOOO very lazy. Laid around in bed until after noon, and now am here on the computer. I feel better, more rested.
Today will be spent with some light housework and some TV. Maybe a video game or two. I am also working on our "Healthcare Power of Atorney" paperwork. In the next couple of months, we will look into the process of "Durable Power of Attorney" and "Last Will" paperwork and such. I know that we are not "old", but John and I are committed for life, and since there are no "dometic partnership" laws here in North Carolina, we need to take steps to protect one another. So we will take whatever steps are necessary to do so. I guess in one way, this process of legal protection is one way of expressing our love and devotion to one another.
Oh, golly, I seem to be running off at the mouth. Must be all pent up from my LONG weekend at work.
Ya'll are great, listening to me blabber on. I love all of you, and I REALLY mean that. You have helped me over the past 18 months to deal with the estragement from my "blood family" and have become my family. You're unconditional acceptance of who I am and the sharing of your own lives with me has been a life saver at times.
Well, I'm gunna shut my mouth now and let ya'll go.
Be yourself!!! Don't try to fit into someone else's mold, you won't fit!!! And that just leads to utter misery!!! Live life to it's fullest in Christ's love every day!!!
Awww...I love you too Tim. I think it's great you are already getting things like that out of the way. I wouldn't want to think about it,but the sooner you get it out of the way...the sooner you don't have to think of it again. Just like when my grandmother went ahead and picked out her casscet for her funeral and everything. Well...I've been home all day. I'm trying to rely on God to help me get the loans I need for school. I'm going to the university tomorrow to get some answers. I have to have the semester payed buy Aug.24. The good news is that my saving money will help if I can't get the loans for some weird reason this semester. I've saved enough to where my parents would only have to pay about $480. I would even pay the $534 for books. *sighs*books are so expensive. Anyways,...I'll talk to you all laters. Cya!
Hope everyone is having a great Tuesday...I will be praying for you Tomas as you go to the school! I am going to sleep now....must wake up early.....nitenite!