When we went to LA recently, we asked a neighbor to take care of our animals. We have a ton of animals, but most of them are easy enough to take care of. But then we have Riley. Riley is 6 pounds of ferocious little dog who has no idea that she is a little dog! Several of Amy's friends have bruises from Riley sneaking up and biting them! She is a holy terror!!
This same neighbor used to pay Amy at least $100 to take care of her dogs, and once gave her $200 for just a couple of days! So, when we got back, and heard Riley had been impossible for her, and had required the help of a couple of other neighbors, we knew we had to do something nice for her.
When I asked her about taking care of the zoo, I had told her why we were going to LA (gay son...gay film fest...etc.) At the time she just said, "Really? In the Methodist church, really?" But that was the end of the conversation and she took care of the animals.
So, when we got home, I bought her a $100 gift certificate for Barnes & Noble, and gave her one of Alan's CDs and my favorite Jason & deMarco CD that Alan produced (Halo). I know my neighbor is a Christian and listens to a local Christian radio station everyday when she walks. Teddy, Riley & I took it to her with a sweet little picture of Riley (taken once while she was being sweet!) and a thank you note.
A few days ago, she left a message that she had struggled over the gift and felt like she couldn't accept it. We realized that it was generous, but we also realized that we were asking her to take her life in her hands by entering our house with Riley around! Anyway, I didn't call her back because I didn't want to take the gift certificate back.
Today in my mail box was a big envelope with the gift certificate and both CD's - unopened. And this is the message that was on my phone:
Hi Lisa,
Its Jackie across the street.And um, I cant seem to catch up with you about the gift so, um, I just wanted to say a few things.I wanted to return the gift certificate because I want us just to be neighbors, helping each other out, and you know, my mom is really sick and so, I dont know, at any time I might need to call on you. (nervous laugh) So as much as I appreciate it, I cant accept that. I really want us to just help each other out.
And also on the Christian CDs, I cant accept those either because I cannot justify it with my Bible. And I dont want that to come between us. So, Im sorry, and if you want to dialogue about that, come over anytime. (more nervous laughter). Im in between semesters so Ill just be taking care of some things around the house for the next few weeks.
Boy, I'm glad I don't use the same Bible she does! I think I'll pass on the dialogue... at least for the time being.
Grace is the acceptance of that which is rejected. ~Paul Tillich
I'll take the CD'sI'll let Korey and Amy fight over the gift card........
Mama, I'm sorry about how your neighbor acted, UGH!!!!!! "Christian" folk are the hardest sometimes to get along with, especially with "our kind" of people. This kind of reaction is why I left my original church 18 months ago.
Thank God for enlightened Christians who love us as we are. I am SO blessed to have found a church home in the Methodist church, where I am accepted for who I am!!!!
Be yourself!!! Don't try to fit into someone else's mold, you won't fit!!! And that just leads to utter misery!!! Live life to it's fullest in Christ's love every day!!!
I remember when I threw away all of my old Tom Clancy books because, just like this woman, I couldn't "reconcile" them with my Bible...like as if I was looking to THEM for spiritual guidance. I thought that getting rid of them, and other "worldly" books would help me go straight.
Fortunately, I have replaced those books...and have gotten rid of a lot of my "religious" books...which only made me feel guilty and unloved.
well,I deal with ppl like her all the time here. Gay people are just not very accepted here. My church is methodist and they will not tolerate that kind of stuff either. *sighs* oh well.
Wow....I am in a conversation with a woman right now on some blog trying to defend myself. Its a lot of fun. I get a kick out of this lady. It is actually good for me to have someone to challenge me. It just makes my faith all that stronger!
I completely agree with you on this, about 3 years ago when I was on my way to my 'friends' house to come out to them and tell them about an amazing guy that I had just met in Houston with pictures in tow and a cd to show off what a great guy he is. I get there and before long I find out that they had already heard I was gay. So they had an intervention with the 7 bible verses! At that time I had not been ready and it was one of the hardest and least supportive groups of people that I came out to. But by that happening I went home reseached and read the Bible and felt soooo much better after I did, about me and my sexuality. All this to say I spoke with that group of people only one more time to let them know that I did read the bible and have come closer to god because of that night and I am still gay and knew that god loved me for me and I had many supportive friends in my life to help me through all aspects in my life.
yeah so all of that just to say I agree with david. LOL