Lisa, said I should introduce myself... I already feel so welcome having received such a kind welcome from Thomas--thanks buddy!
I am a pretty busy guy, I do a lot of volunteer work--pretty much a full-time job--and I have some health issues that require some extra time, and I am trying to start a new ministry/non-profit organization and or a new career.
But I am happy all of you are here supporting one another... I think I have set myself up to get email digest and to get notifications of private messages... so I will try to check in from time to time... but cant promise... at least right now... that I have a lot of time... I have a lot going on... and I get so much email... (I'm not complaining about personal emails...but I get a lot of Emails related to my volunteer work, a lot of advocacy, health, environmental and political information emails that sometimes I get behind in reading... but I always try to return personal emails within the same day I receive it.
So thanks for allow me to be a part... I hope at some point to be more active, especially once I have some news about my ministry, career and or non-profit organization.
So, from Sunny Southern California, (lived here almost 19 years) this southern boy from North Carolina says howdy y'all. Hope to get to know you all at some point.
Have a great week. Love & Hugs, jerry, a.k.a., m4mluvlife Who walks a road with love will never walk that road alone. - Charles Thomas Davis "Many laughs are lost by not laughing at oneself." Sara Jeannette Duncan "Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results." Albert Einstein
Big Hugs!Blessings of Love, Joy, Peace & Health-Physical, Mental & Spiritual, jerry
"Who walks a road with love, will never walk that road alone." -Charles Thomas Davis
It's Jerry! My new friend!!! I'm so glad you are here. I think you will enjoy these wonderful people, and I know they will all benefit from your amazing knowledge & life experience.
Grace is the acceptance of that which is rejected. ~Paul Tillich
Welcome Jerry!!!!!! It is always a joy to meet new members of our family. Please feel free to jump in anywhere, whenever you have the chance. I look forward to hearing updates of your ministry.
From a transplanted North Carolina boy to a former North Carolina boy....Howdy!!!!!
Be yourself!!! Don't try to fit into someone else's mold, you won't fit!!! And that just leads to utter misery!!! Live life to it's fullest in Christ's love every day!!!
Hey Jerry!! Thanks for the almost made me cry,seriously. I was feeling pretty down,but your email has made me feel better. I'm so glad to have you here. Things are a little slow here don't worry about being so busy,just keep in touch when you can. I read your work myspace...and you are really amazing yourself from all the hard-ships you had to go through. Well...again,welcome!! Keep in touch with all of us...before you know it,you will feel like you have a family here. I'll be responding to your email later. Cya Laters!!!
Thanks, Lisa, Tim and Thomas... I appreciate your taking the time to welcome me. I am getting ready to do my yoga, and have my breakfast... I know I have a crazy schedule... I really don't like to call it breakfast either... but that is what we call the first meal of the day... for me... that is usually roast chicken on some baby field greens and walnuts... a salad... I have to have loads of protein... They say it has to do with my blood type... anybody heard fo that... Eating by your blood type...but then that is contradict by another book that says, you have to eat based on your Ph level... so, I try to just listen to my body, and over the years, I have learned that I need loads of protein... especially during the day... chicken, beef, fish and occasionally some pork... but mainly chicken... Anyway... Im getting hugnry and can't eat till after I do my yoga... so I better get to it.. Thanks again for the warm greetings!
I can tell YOU are all GREAT folks and I look forward to getting to know each one of you personally.
Much love & Hugs, Jerry! aka m4mluvlife
Big Hugs!Blessings of Love, Joy, Peace & Health-Physical, Mental & Spiritual, jerry
"Who walks a road with love, will never walk that road alone." -Charles Thomas Davis