I am sick and tired of being reminded of the fact that I am never going to be with anyone and will be alone and lonely until I die.
The past few weeks have been unbearable with goth friends getting hooked up, engaged and married; my European friends getting hooked up and engaged, one of my best friends here at Those Who Mourn is engaged, and even my SISTER is about to be engaged to her Danish boyfriend.
And then there's me: no date, no guy wants to be near me except maybe once and then never again.
And all of the "you'll find someone" makes it even more painful, because I am now convinced that all of the "you're a nice guy" and "it's them not you" means nothing to me. I have a lot to offer but nobody wants it because of reasons only they understand.
Last night I was called "fat and ugly" by someone hours after I learned that one of my friends in Sweden is dating a guy I know in Indiana.
I can't stand it, people. My life is a complete disaster.
I'm lonely, too, but it's ok because I am more determined into becoming a better person than trying to find someone to share my life with. I know that God has SOMEONE in store for both of us, so I am going to just wait and grow more mature in my walk and my love.
We all get LONELY at times and in seasons of our lives...but, in Christ, we are NEVER ALONE!
God bless you and strengthen you and lift you up in your loneliness. Just don't forget that WE love you, my friend!