It's about 11:30 and I'm having very bad Restless Leg Syndrome feelings tonight, so I got back up to see if anyone is here. The board has been very quiet the last couple of days. I need to figure out a way to get the traffic back here!
How about: ?
Grace is the acceptance of that which is rejected. ~Paul Tillich
free beer?!?!?!?!? WOW!!!!!! That'll pack the house!!!!!!!
Be yourself!!! Don't try to fit into someone else's mold, you won't fit!!! And that just leads to utter misery!!! Live life to it's fullest in Christ's love every day!!!
Why don't we just admit one else is going to join.
We ain't GCN. We ain't "popular" in the gay community. Too many gays are preoccupied with other things. I'm sorry if I did anything to scare others off. I didn't mean to. I was so immature in trying to be the "perfect" Christian, I guess I scared others away.
I also said things here that others might have seen as "brash" or "perverse". I didn't mean to harm anyone. I was just so LOST in my insanity of my coming out to myself. I am better now, but there is so much that I wish that I could go back and undo.
Yea, Teddy is my hero once again!! He fixed my computer!!!
Jeffrey, I told you this in an email, but I want to say this publicly. First off, TSA is just fine, no one ruined anything. And IF TSA was suffering, it would, by no means, be your fault!! You are a very important part of this family and your opinions and thoughts are valued. No more negative talk from you!!
We love you, Jeffrey!!
Grace is the acceptance of that which is rejected. ~Paul Tillich
this forum rocks, and no i dont post often enough, heck i was missing there for awhile, but i never compared it to gcn. this place has a charm and uniqness that no other place has. and i have a few places i pop into from time to time.
i know its good for TSA to have more members join, but i kind of like that i know everyone here, and not feel lost in the crowd.
tsa is my home. and even though i dont get here often enough it always will be
Aww, Shelly! Thanks for the sweet words about TSA. I was beginning to think everyone was gone! I ordered business cards to pass out at Houston Pride and when we go to Outfest in LA in July (oh, yeah... I haven't told you about that!). Anyway, I'd hate for the site to be dead when new people check it out!
So get busy posting!!
Grace is the acceptance of that which is rejected. ~Paul Tillich
i do have a suggestion though, and i will take punishment if needed. but i think what may be a factor is the threads. uhhh and tell me to shut up and mind my own business if you want but i think we need something new and fun.
i know for myself that alot of forums all have the same ones, and after awhile people might get bored. so we should totally come up with some newer kickass things. off the top of my head i cant think of anything, but let me get off nights and i might have some ideas.
it totally is fun to say....thread suggestion thread..thread suggestion thread...thread suggestion me i am stuck..suggestion thread
I agree with Mark. I often listen to the bible on tape and watch religious podcasts on my itunes player. I hope to get an iPod pretty soon to watch them on at work.
Goodness..I can't sleep. Just got done watching some good ole buffy the vampire slayer. So...does anyone think christians are kinda like buffy? I mean...yeah,we don't have supernatural strength,and there are no vampires(well,ones that reveal themselves)...but christians do fight evil, and fight the master(the devil). They do in for God and everytime someone is converted...a battle is won. I hope I don't sound crazy...I'm just tired and felt like typing something. Well, talk to everyone later. I leave for Houston in a day!
ahahahhaha I guess it is going to be another one of dose nights, I am supper tiered but my mind is going 100 ml/hr. I am actually thinking about going back to lab and doing something productive with my time.