Finally getting to feel up to getting on the computer. I just want to thank you all for your prayers and concern and to Lisa and Teddy for keeping you all updated. I will have to admit I have had a hard time of it but the Lord was on my side and one day soon this will all be in the past and forgotten ... What I would of done without Lisa and Teddy I can't imagion. They have been with me every step of the way and then some. They have more on their sholders then you can think of and yet they always rise to help when I need it. I am still having re-hab at home to help me get some strength in my legs. This past week has made a big difference and they tell me another couple of weeks I should be able to get around with my walker ofcoure and not need them anymore...
In another week or so you'll be chasing those little old men around the lunch room again. They all said that they needed a break, but I know they all liked it. Guess I better buy some more stock in Viagra, I'll be rich.....
You don't have to thank us, that's what kids are for, (Alan and Amy I hope you are reading this)
Hi Theo. J. Bear - you bet I remember that and I'll bet John is smiling from ear to ear. From the "little old men" up in the lunch room , save your money. I don't think even Viagra will do any good.
Want a laugh.??? I was going for my mail and a man was walking out the breezeway at the same time beside me so I ( having never met a stanger) said to him -" wonder if I got any love letters" - so he says "you still get those?" I said yep, from the doctor, hospital and etc... Poor old guy, I really shook him up for a minute. Come to think of it now maybe I should of just said - sure, don't you ... Darn, I just didn't think fast enough...