As I was with my Christian goth friends hanging at the goth club, someone broke into my car tonight, parked only about less than 1 block away. Shattered one of my windows.
Timing was perfect considering tomorrow I have to take it to the mechanic to put in a new muffler and to look at my broken gas needle..
Nothing was taken from my car. My friends and I suspect they were trying to steal the car.. which happened a year ago, and 1 block further away..
DC: the best place to park your car on earth.
The paycheck problem persists and I can't do much about it because my company isn't willing to sever its relationship with the W2 intermediary, which gauges about 50% of my paycheck for "employer taxes" (because if you're 1099 you're considered self-employed), and will not do so until the company itself can become incorporated and hire me on as W2.
Meanwhile, they now pay the W2 intermediary weekly now which makes things slightly better, but not much. I still have mounds of debt I cannot pay, and I'm having to juggle things around nastily to avoid things like litigation or worse.