Tuesday April 7, 2009
Yellow people, it is such a slow day today. I have had like 3 coffee breaks, visited a friend, facebooked, and it is still not time to go home : ( may be I should get to work so the time will pass faster lol. Yall have a good one!
caffeinated V
Monday April 6th, 2009
Howdy all....hows everyone doing. Mama, I am sorry I missed the cajun party. Alas, I got called into work because Newark airport decided to have weather and it really made me mad. Anyway, I miss everyone. I am really tired right now. I feel like all I do is work. Also please be praying for my mom. She fe...
Sunday, April 5, 2009
Still up from yesterday, getting ready to head for bed. Worked 2nd shift, then HAD to watch UNC play the semi-final game before bed....not disappointed....HEELS won!!!! Happy Palm Sunday to all!!!! Passion week begins!!!! I love to reflect on the LOVE of God during this week. To think of all th...
24 fan tim
Saturday, April 4, 2009
Party time!! We are having a big cajun party tonight. Gonna be lots to do in the morning. I went to bed really early because I ran out of steam. Got to get up early and go to work on getting things ready. Just stopped by to say hi!
Mama Lisa
Thursday April 2, 2009
Yellow people, I had a productive day helping my rotation student in the lab but I didn't get any of my own work done . How was your day? I need to step the production up I need to do laundry I need to go do some grocery shopping I need to sleep Yall have a good one
caffeinated V
Tuesday March 31, 2009
How yall doing? Just waiting the day to end so I can go home and go to bed. I was up so late last night working on my presentation for this morning. I need to catch up on some Z's. I am looking forward to the cookout this coming weekend. My friends Kim and Bin may come along. Today is such a nice day outside so be s...
caffeinated V
Monday March 30, 2009
Yellow people, I have been working sooooo hard and I still have a hard time seeing the end. I had a talk with my boss today and she said I could stay on for the rest of the yr, there is some relief of stress over finding a job but I still need to be looking. So what did you guys do for fun this weekend? I was stuck in...
caffeinated V
Tuesday, March 24, 2009
I ended up staying home again today. Good thing I don't have a real job!! The antibiotic I started yesterday upset my stomach. And I had an appointment with a new doctor today so my afternoon was full anyway. Starting some new happy pills tomorrow. Keep your fingers crossed!!
Mama Lisa
Monday March 23, 2009
Yello people We had worm meeting today, I had to speak. It was ok but I really hate talking in front of people when I only have 3 hrs of sleep. Morning bus work lunch work more work coffee after coffee bus cute boy home bed morning Yall have a good night people.
caffeinated V
Saturday, March 21, 2009
Hey guys! What's up? I've had a really good day so far. Went shopping this morning for a few garden plants, met Teddy for lunch (James Coney Island...it was a let down today...except for really good root beer!), went somewhere else for more plants, then came home & worked my butt off! Managed t...
Mama Lisa
Thursday March 19, 2009
Yellow people, Quick quiz: What movie is this line from "the phone goes Green Green I go Yellow"? its a good movie. I am having a very short day, it is just flying by. I will be headed to coffee soon yay, I just love coffee, it is the bestest think in the word : ) So do any of you have big plans for the w...
caffeinated V
Tuesday March 17, 2009
It is a wonderful Tuesday morning, we still have several hours before the sun comes out. So things that where on my mind today, well yesterday has not ended for me so your today is my last night : ) makes sense right, any way: 1. I need to lose weight 2. I need to finish my abstract today 3. I need to find a job 4....
caffeinated V
Monday, March 16, 2009
Good Morning All! I woke up before the alarm after sleeping all night! That's great for me. I never do that. It's back to work today. At least the rain has stopped. Don't have a whole lot going on there so it should be an easy day. Planning to go to the gym and rejoin after many, many years of not workin...
Mama Lisa
Sunday, March 15, 2009
I love Sunday afternoons! It's a time for naps and computer games and not much else. But I hate Sunday nights. That means it's the end of the weekend. And even though I was home on Friday, this weekend was not long enough. They never are. At least our rain has finally ended.
Mama Lisa
Saturday, March 14, 2009
Good morning, all! I hope you are rested and ready to enjoy your weekend. We are busy helping Alan move out of the studio, then tonight it's dinner with some friends and back to our house to watch "For the Bible Tells Me So". So, I'm off to straighten up a few things & to bake a cake. Yum. Have a great...
Mama Lisa
Friday, March 13, 2009
Once again, it's the middle of the night, so I might as well start the next day's check in. This insomia crap gets old in a hurry. It's cold & rainy here. It's like a slap in the face after the beautiful spring weather we've been having. We needed the rain, but the cold is just making me mad. Teddy tra...
Mama Lisa
Wednesday, March 11. 2009
Hi friends. It's almost 1:00am on Wednesday and I can't sleep at all. I hate this!! I think it's time to visit the doctor. Something ain't right! Other than that, nothing much new around here. Work is work. On a good note - I only heard the stupid neighbor's stupid dogs once shortly after 10:00. ...
Mama Lisa
Thursday, March 5, 2009
Ahhhh. God to sleep all the way to 8:30! Of course, we didn't get to bed until midnight or so last night! We go to our church, Gethsemane UMC on Wednesday nights for dinner, then I go work in the music library while Teddy goes to choir practice. I worked there until 9:00, then Teddy & I visited with...
Mama Lisa
Wednesday, March 4th 2009
Wow what a week at work....you know I never knew a person could be so sick of snow and never actually see it. I am really ready for the dang blizzard to be over with on the East Coast. So how is everyone doing. I know, I have not been online for a while. I have been a bad boy. I really have missed everyone. So w...
Tuesday, Marcy 3, 2009
Hola. I am very tired & sleepy this morning. But I keep getting to work later & later, so I have to stay up. Victor, I hope you didn't get sick from going with us on Saturday to Misery Loves Company BBQ cook off! I'm surprized we aren't all sick after that! We were crazy to do that! Well, off to ge...
Mama Lisa
Monday March 2, 2009
Yellow everyone, I hope everyone is doing great. I don't feel that great today, a combination of headache and cold. I need some chicken soup.
caffeinated V
Thursday, February 26, 2009
I'm up! I'm up! Quit yelling!!
Mama Lisa
Tuesday Feb 24, 2009
Yellow people. I hope everyone is having a good start this week. Time is just flying by for me, I can't believe it has been 2 months sense the start of this yr and I have accomplished so little . If I sit around and think long and hard I can find good excuses but in the en that is all they are excuses, I need to whi...
caffeinated V
Monday, February 23, 2009
Hola. Came home from work not feeling well. Chills, body aches, stuffy nose. Tempurature was over 101 for a while. Not sure what's going on. What's new with you?
Mama Lisa
Thursday Feb. 19, 2009
Yellow people, So my experiments are not working, I need to try something new pushing my graduation back a month or two : / I guess it is not bad news considering I still need to find a job. Today should be a slow day in the lab for me : ) Yall have a good one
caffeinated V
Wednesday, February 18, 2009
Had a very long day. Left early. Staff meeting. Working the switchboard at work. Quick lunch. Book study. Work. Dinner at church. Two & a half hours working on the music library. Home to speed-watch American Idol. (More about that in the Arts section.) And Teddy is still battling wha...
Mama Lisa
Sunday, February 15, 2009
I hate it when the weekend is over & I don't feel like I accomplished anything or did anything I planned to do. And now it's back to work. Yuck.
Mama Lisa
Friday the 13th
How can Friday the 13th be bad when it's payday?? I have big plans this weekend.......... plans for doing NOTHING!!! Actually, I plan to do some beading (making jewelry), do some laundry & maybe get ahead of the curve on that laundry, and go to church on Sunday. Tucked in there somewhere are a co...
Mama Lisa
Thursday, February 12, 2009
Good morning, folks! Nothing new & exciting going on around here. It's just a plain old vanilla day. The weather is supposed to be very nice - clear & 72 degrees, which is just about perfect for me. Too bad I'll be indoors for most of the day! So, what's new in your neighborhood?
Mama Lisa
Wednesday, Feb.11th, 2009
I just got back from the doctor's. He said that my flu has become a sinus infection and bronchitis. I am now having to take a couple of MORE days off from work. My paycheck is going to be off by almost 1/2. Please pray for me. My boss isn't liking me having to take so much time off from work, but I can't help it: I...