Monday March 24, 2008
Hello People, its Monday again. You know I really dislike Mondays, I have a hard time getting up, I have the rest of the week to go, and I have the rest of the week to go. So I would have to say my favorite day of the week is Thursday, yeah Thursday is a good day! Had lots of fun yesterday, thank you Lisa and Teddy...
caffeinated V
Easter!! Sunday, March 23,2008
Saturday, March 22, 2008
It's Saturday, and I am extremely lazy. Played video games and watched TV today.....not much else planned for the day......
24 fan tim
Good Friday, March 21, 2008
Blessings! I've been cleaning out bird poop. What a wonderful day! Anybody planning to go to a Good Friday service today? We'll be going to our church's 7:30 service.
Mama Lisa
Thursday, March 20, 2008
It's about 5:45am and I'm up only to move my car for Teddy because he needs to be in the office really early. But do you think he's awake yet? Nooooooo. However, once he's gone, I'm back in bed!!!!!!!!! Then I have a pig sty to clean. That would be my house.
Mama Lisa
Wednesday, March 19, 2008
It's marathon meeting day. Which means today is pretty much a wash when it comes to getting anything done! But I'm up early, going to try to get there early enough so that I can leave about 3:30. Then I'm going on a bird hunt with my little Barbie net!! It's time to move some of the finch to a "bigge...
Mama Lisa
Tuesday, March 18, 2008
The worst part of getting old is feeling old! I'm still so tired after our very busy weekend. It's already 7:35am and I have even started getting ready for work. Remember Uncle Joe on Petticoat Junction? (Most of you won't!) I'm "Uncle Joe-ing" it today. (Sing with me: That's Uncle...
Mama Lisa
Monday March 17, 2008
I like my job, I like my job, I like my job, I like my job, I think. Well this is just my normal complaying wich I should really stop . Lots to accomplish at work this week, HAPPY HAPPY JOY JOY HAPPY HAPPY JOY JOY . I should have taken time to start my day with some coffee Coffee - all I really want is coffee And in t...
caffeinated V
Sunday, March 16, 2008
Another weekend of working our butts off in the backyard!! It's beautiful!! I'll post pictures later. Thanks to Alan (for two days of work), Korey & Philip for their help! Korey & Philip even worked after sky diving yesterday!!!
Mama Lisa
Saturday, March 15, 2008
OMG Thank God it's Saturday. I finally get a day off. But unfortunately, I woke up with a splitting headache. My work schedule has been nuts the past 3 weeks...ugh!!! And to top it all off, I have to wait 2 more weeks to get a full weekend off. I don't even get to experience Passion Sunday or Resurrectio...
24 fan tim
Friday, March 14, 2008
Yea!!! It's Friday!!!!!!!!! That's about all I can think of right now...
Mama Lisa
Thursday 13, 2008
Hola colas. So do you guys know how long a hamsters long term memory is? So I had a bit of an accident with Chuy (aka Chewbacca, Russian dwarf hamster) and I am just wondering if he will remember. Well trying to work work work, will see how that goes out. Yall have a great day
caffeinated V
Wednesday, March 12, 2008
Morning! (Sorry about your co-worker, Chad!) I'm about to go to day 2 of copier training. Yawn. What are you doing today?
Mama Lisa
Tuesday, March 11, 2008
Yippee! I'm at work early!! I got here about 7:45. I have "copier training" from 9:00 to 10:30, today through Thursday. We have 3 very fancy new copiers, and someone from each department has to go through the training. I'd rather watch paint dry!!! The good news is I'll get to leave ear...
Mama Lisa
Monday, March 10, 2008
Man, I'm tired today! My brain is so fuzzy that I almost screwed up something big time! But my boss was able to undo what I had done - thank God. Wanted to go out to lunch to regroup & try to wake up, but it was pouring down rain. I ended up eating one of those mac & cheese cups, and part of a stale bag...
Mama Lisa
Sunday, March 9, 2008
I'm convinced Teddy is trying to kill me!! Last weekend, we put up 100 foot of fence. I was so tired & so sunburned after that! But he kept cracking the whip. This weekend, we installed some landscape timbers, bought, loaded, and installed more landscape timbers, cut down a tree (we being Tedd...
Mama Lisa
Saturday, March 8, 2008
Slept late. Went to bed with a headache & woke up with one. But the good news is it's a gorgeous day outside! Clear sky and cool (if not, cold) temps! So what am I doing sitting at this computer??
Mama Lisa
friday, march 7, 2008
so its friday. boss took me and another coworker to lunch. we stuffed ourselves with chinese food now we are all reallllly tired. Tonight im going to Mantra for a friends bday. I really dont want to go, buuuuuut.. oh well. Have a good one, everybody.
Thursday, March 6, 2008
Morning! I got in bed last night about 8:00! I read for a long time before I went to sleep, and I woke just before the alarm went off. Don't you hate it when you are cheated out of those last 4 minutes? Today is catch up day. After my 4 meeting yesterday, I never really got anything accomplished. What are...
Mama Lisa
Wednesday, March 5, 2008
It's meeting day!!! I'm just about to enter 1 of 4. At least the last one will include lunch!!!! Then tonight it's off early to meet Teddy at church for $4 dinner. Life is sweet.
Mama Lisa
Tuesday, March 4, 2008
Man, I woke up tired! And now I'm spending time at the computer instead of getting ready for work!!! At least, by the time I finally get out of here, the traffic will be lighter. Nothing much going on today but same old, same old. I went yesterday after work and bought 2 new tires to the tune of $330! Tha...
Mama Lisa
Monday, March 3, 2008
Hola colas. I need to get things moving at work and home so I have decided I will be forcing my self up every morning to be in at work by 9am (normally 11-12) and I will also be going to the gym every day after work . So here we go . Wish me luck I am quite certain I will need it
caffeinated V
Sunday, March 2, 2008
Wow, we are tired! But the fence still looks beautiful! Hopefully, our neighbors will finish the back part today. In fact, I just heard a hammer! Yea!!! Now we have to figure out what to do with all the old fence material... By the way, have you seen my keys? My brain is so fried!!!
Mama Lisa
Saturday, March 1, 2008
We did it! We tackled about 100 feet of fence in one day! Thanks to Amy, Alan, Korey, and Korey's brother, Phillip, we got it done! Teddy & I are both so tired we can hardly walk, but it's done!! (Pictures will be posted tomorrow. Right now, I can't lift my camera!) The neighbors are working on a s...
Mama Lisa
Friday, Leap Year!
Not only is it Friday, it's pay day again!! Should have a fairly easy day at work. One of the folks I work with got all the newsletters printed for me, so all I have to do fold & label them. All 700 or so. This weekend, Teddy & I are going to be replacing the fence on the side of our house. The neighbo...
Mama Lisa
Thursday, February 28th, 2008
Wow...what a week at work. Well, my week is over. I am off the next 3 days thank goodness. I think I am going to sleep all weekend....dont think I will get out of the bed....I have a tv, a computer, and my red fruit punch...what else do I need!
Wednesday, Feb. 27, 2008
Early to work - early home!! Have a blessed day!!
Mama Lisa
Tuesday, Feb. 26, 2008
Morning all! I woke up in the middle of the night & didn't really get back to sleep well. I meant to get up and get to the office early, but that's not happening! I get to spend the day working on the big MAC (teehee) trying to get the newsletter ready to print. And trying to get the others in the office...
Mama Lisa
Monday, Feb. 25, 2008
Oh yippee. It's Monday. We had such a nice, fun, relaxing weekend and I do not want to go back to work! Can I just curl up in bed for the rest of the day?? Someone call my boss for me!
Mama Lisa
Sunday, February 24, 2008
I can tell today will be a bad day. First thing that happened to me today is my dad woke me u screaming at me and told me I'm the only person he knows that sleeps until noon on the weekends. I wonder where he has been...and I bet he has done it once or so in his life. I just don't understand him. Everything I do tha...